UMM Aquaculture Department Team Wins Gold and Bronze Medals at Pimnas PKM-RE 2023

Friday, December 01, 2023 21:43 WIB   Administrator

UNPAD Bandung 2023, another achievement contributed by the PKM-RE (Exact Research) team from the Aquaculture Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) which succeeded in winning two medals at the national level. Explained by the Head of the UMM Aquaculture Study Program, Dr. Hany Handajani, S.Pi, M.Si, the aquaculture study program team won second place in the 36th National Student Science Week (Pimnas) category at Padjadjaran University.

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The PKM-RE Team for the UMM Aquaculture Study Program successfully won gold and bronze medals at Pimnas 36.

According to Hany, the Aquaculture Study Program PKM-RE team won a gold medal and a bronze medal consisting of four members, namely Lely Ayu Puspandari (Aquaculture class 21), Ike Trisdayanti (Aquaculture class 2020), Thesa Lonicha Kitvirul A'ini (Aquaculture class 2020), and Salsabiilaa Roihanah (Biology class of 2020). The four of them managed to win a gold medal in the PKM-RE poster category and a bronze medal in the PKM-RE presentation category.

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UMM Aquaculture Study Program PKM-RE Team before preparations for Pimnas.

Hany revealed that the PKM-RE that was raised was the Potential of Hepatopancreatic Bacteriophage and Mangrove Litter as a Technological Innovation to Control Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease, the Cause of Total Death of Litopenaeus Vannamei.

This research was motivated by the problem of many Vannamei Shrimp being attacked by AHPND (Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease) or commonly called EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome) with a mortality percentage of 100 percent.

Tim Prodi Akuakultur UMM Raih Medali Emas dan Perunggu Pimnas PKM-RE 3

Research on Hepatopancreatic Bacteriophages and Mangrove Litter as Technological Innovation to Control Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND) Cause of Total Death Litopenaeus vannamei

Behind the success of the PKM-RE Team, added Hany,  it cannot be separated from the help and prayers of many parties. One of them is guidance from the UMM Aquaculture Study Program lecturer, namely Soni Andriawan, S.Pi, MP, as a companion lecturer who provides a lot of direction during the research process. Furthermore, the UMM Aquaculture Study Program always supports from the beginning to the end of Pimnas.

For your information, the 36th Pimnas event was attended by 2,411 students divided into 525 groups resulting from the Pimnas selection with 77 judging judges. The Pimnas awarding ceremony was held on Thursday evening (30/11) at the Basic Science Service Center Field. (hamara)
