Graduates with Achievements, Become Online Driver to Shrimp Businessman

Friday, June 02, 2023 22:25 WIB   Administrator

Was once an online motorcycle taxi driver and dreamed of becoming a pioneer in the shrimp business in Bojonegoro. This process has been experienced by one of the outstanding graduates at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Muhammad Agill Thevany.

The shrimp business is the result of implementing the Shrimp Cultivation Center of Excellence (CoE) skill class program, which is a real implementation of the government's program, namely Merdeka Learn Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). The Aquaculture Study Program student even managed to complete his undergraduate studies with a very satisfactory Grade Point Average (GPA).

The man who is called Agil said that the reason he became an ojol driver was because he wanted to increase his pocket money. In addition, it also seeks to ease the burden on parents in supporting themselves to live in Malang. "So, I have actually been doing ojol since before going to college. Incidentally, there used to be free time while waiting for the results of the announcement of college entrance," he said.

The young man from Bojonegoro also has an interest in developing shrimp farming in his hometown. Moreover, shrimp commodities in Bojonegoro are very rare, maybe even nonexistent. From there he saw a great opportunity that he could explore.

Moreover, he was directed by the UMM Aquaculture Study Program to do an internship at a large shrimp pond company. According to him, it was during the internship that he could learn many things related to the shrimp business.

He was taught the initial process of preparation until finally he could harvest. “I came to know many types of shrimp and what types are good for sale. From that experience and knowledge, I started a business near my house in Bojonegoro," he explained.

The shrimp cultivation that he is engaged in is relatively new. He had only once harvested shrimp which he cultivated and was quite profitable. Moreover, in the region, the price of shrimp in the market reaches IDR 60,000 per kilogram.

He feels quite lucky because his parents always support whatever he wants. This includes shrimp farming. So far there have been four shrimp ponds at home.

The type of shrimp that he develops is vaname. This type was chosen because it has a lower cultivation age. Then growth is faster and stronger against disease.

The man who was born in 2001 hopes that the knowledge gained in college will not just be a passing wind. However, able to encourage it to be useful for others. This is at least to the closest people in the village.

He also hopes that his shrimp business will progress further so that it can open jobs and help others. According to him, graduates do not always have to work in offices or high-rise buildings, but can also develop their regions to be better.

"Even though the changes made are in a small scope," he added.
