Workshop of Culture of Koi Fish and Signing of MoU at SMK N 1 Tulungagung

Saturday, November 18, 2023 10:41 WIB   Administrator

The bright prospect of a future studying at the Aquaculture Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has become the target of several vocational schools to find out what superior programs the aquaculture study program has. As on (15/11), SMKN 1  Tulungagung held activities with the UMM Aquaculture Study Program.

What are these activities? UMM Aquaculture Lecturer, Rindya Fery Indrawan, S.Pi, MP, said that the material presented included the MoU, socialization about PMB (New Student Admission and Koi fish hatchery. Interestingly, the koi fish cultivation hatchery training was at the request of SMKN 1 Tulungagung because it was a superior professional class program Koi UMM Aquaculture Study Program. For information, Indra said that the socialization was attended by the principal, deputy head of public relations, head of the fisheries agribusiness and fisheries product processing agribusiness departments, as well as a number of teachers. There were 87 students in class XII of SMKN 1 Tulungagung majoring in fisheries agribusiness and fisheries product processing agribusiness major totaling 69 students.

Meanwhile, Head of UMM Aquaculture Study Program, Dr. Hany Handajani, S.Pi, M.Si, added to the agenda of socializing material regarding the profile and superior programs of the Aquaculture Study Program. Meanwhile, the material on the Signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with SMKN 1 Tulungagung is related to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Namely Education, Research and Community Service. From the material presented, said Hany, the students of SMAN 1 Tulungagung were very enthusiastic about taking part because of the prospects for the world of fisheries in the future and the ease of studying in the aquaculture study program, with the facilities and many scholarships on offer.

This is proven by the relatively high job absorption capacity of UMM aquaculture study program alumni in the world of work. Namely the time span of 0-3 months after graduation, 85 percent of students are accepted for work. The remaining 15 percent of students are absorbed into work for 6 months after graduation. There are even companies that have already pivoted before the student graduates.

Information  for New Student Admissions for the UMM Aquaculture Study Program has been opened. On the  achievement track 1 November 2023-24 June 2024. Regular Track: 1 November 2023 – 3 August 2024.
