Fresh Graduate UMM Aquaculture Students Accepted to Work at PT GAS

Monday, November 13, 2023 22:46 WIB   Administrator

This is one of the advantages and plus points if you study at the UMM Aquaculture Study Program when you graduate and go straight to job recruitment. This prospect was conveyed by the UMM Aquaculture Study Program Lecturer team, Ganjar Adhywirawan, S.Pi. MP, after accompanying the recruitment test for alumni of the UMM Aquaculture Study Program by PT Garin Agro Sejahtera (GAS) this afternoon (12/11).

According to Ganjar, this recruitment test for UMM Aquaculture Study Program students is very special because it is carried out directly by the CEO of PT GAS, Ir. Hery Sudarmono. Those who pass this selection are students of the professional shrimp class program who are specifically intended to become experts in this field.

"Thank God, all the students who graduated from the UMM Aquaculture Study Program's shrimp processing class all worked, or were all absorbed in the work. Batch one and batch two alumni. "Now processing batch three," said Ganjar.

In this recruitment process, students must pass the selection stage which is divided into two stages. The first step is the internal selection test (UMM Aquaculture study program). If you pass, you will immediately enter the second stage of selection by an external party, namely PT GAS.

The internal selection material, said Ganjar, is the administration of job applicants. After passing, they are selected by PT GAS with material on skills and abilities related to shrimp cultivation techniques, as well as the basics of shrimp cultivation.

So, in this PT GAS recruitment, continued Ganjar, there were six applicants who took the test and passed the internal selection, then during the external selection, of the six, only two were accepted by PT GAS, namely Udalasmi and Lutfi Masaid. Both were accepted as Executive (Professional) Technicians at PT GAS in the Trenggalek, Bengkulu and Luwuk areas, Central Sulawesi.

Ganjar emphasized that PT GAS had indeed made the UMM Aquaculture Study Program one of the main partners for fulfilling human resources at PT GAS.

This is closely related to the Aquaculture Study Program's shrimp professional class where PT GAS is one of the key partners for the shrimp professional class. "Once again, we are grateful, Alhamdulillah, the UMM Aquaculture study program students who are in the professional shrimp class graduate and go straight to work in national and even international scale companies like PT GAS," said the Head of the UMM Fisheries Laboratory.

It should also be noted that currently the Aquaculture Study Program has opened new student admissions. On the  achievement track 1 November 2023-24 June 2024. Regular Track: 1 November 2023 – 3 August 2024.

Fresh Graduate Mahasiswa Akuakultur UMM Diterima Kerja PT GAS - Tabloid Mata Hati
