Opening of the 2nd Professional Shrimp Class: Aquaculture UMM Collaboration with Industry

Thursday, July 14, 2022 04:28 WIB   Administrator

Malang, July 14, 2022

The high potential for shrimp exports is the background for the creation of a prawn professional class debriefing program for students of the 2019 Aquaculture study program. On Thursday, the participants were provided with four materials from various expert practitioners. The material presented was the management of an industrial scale vaname shrimp hatchery presented by Ir. Hari Purnomo, M.ST. from PT. Summa Benur, shrimp health management delivered by Dr. Ir. Heny Budi Utari from PT. Central Proteina Prima, industrial scale vaname shrimp cultivation, which was explained by Ir. Hery Sudarmono from PT. GAS, as well as the last material delivered by Ir. Nonot Tri Waluyo from PT. Central Proteina Prima is about small-scale fishpond business. The purpose of providing these materials is so that students of the Aquaculture study program are better prepared to enter the world of ponds, especially shrimp.

The event ran smoothly from 08.00 WIB until the evening at 17.30 WIB. During the event, the committee provided coffee breaks to optimize student concentration. Some of the participants seemed to be diligent in taking notes on the material presented by the presenters in the books that had been provided. Today's debriefing participants were well conditioned and actively asked the practitioners during the presentation of the material.

"So far, we have collaborated with the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, especially for the shrimp professional class program initiated by the Aquaculture study program. It turned out to be very good and useful in bridging the needs of our company with UMM," said Dr. Ir. Henny Budi Utari. "We have participated in this shrimp professional class program twice, in the first program we really felt the benefits because it turned out that the graduates really met the standards required by the company," he continued.

"We as shrimp feed producers strongly support the shrimp professional class program initiated by UMM Aquaculture products, because from a fishery point of view we really need a lot of technicians for shrimp cultivation, so if this program continues, then we as shrimp feed producers are ready to accommodate graduates from the UMM Aquaculture study program, it becomes better," explained Mr. Alfan as a shrimp feed producer, "the majority of students are still unfamiliar with warehousing science, hopefully with this program it can be better," he continued.

Today's event was closed with a discussion between lecturers and several other officials with practitioners. The majority of practitioners praised the aquaculture graduates of Muhammadiyah University of Malang for being highly qualified by the company. Some of them said that it was necessary to deliver basic materials about shrimp farming because there were some students who did not know these basic things. In addition to basic material about shrimp farming, students also need to be taught how to communicate properly.
