Success with CoE of Shrimp Professional Class, UMM Fisheries Prepares the Initiation of Seaweed Professional Class

Thursday, January 13, 2022 21:08 WIB   Administrator

MALANG-The acceptance of some fishery students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in the shrimp industry encourages professional class innovation to target other opportunities. This was conveyed by the person in charge of the Professional Class of Shrimp, Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo, S.Pi, MP, in the report forum on the implementation of the professional class of shrimp with the Chancellor of UMM, Dr. Fauzan and Vice Rector II of UMM, Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, some time ago.

Interestingly, Ganjar continued when submitting a follow-up report on the progress of the professional prawn class, he was also accompanied by the boss of PT Garin Agro Sejahtera (GAS), Ir. Harry Sudarmono. Because from PT GAS's parenting partners, a number of fishery students were accepted to work at PT GAS. In fact, this student, who was initially an apprentice at PT GAS, has yet to graduate from college. It is expected that within 3.5 years to 4 years of completion of college.

The student who was recruited for this job, said Ganjar as a technician for shrimp farming in Luwok, Central Sulawesi. This is because PT GAS has cleared land in Central Sulawesi for around 50 hectares of intensive shrimp ponds, which have started around 5 hectares. Well, this land clearing of course requires a lot of human resources.

“It should be noted that this is one of the parents' partners who recruit fishery students as employees. While the student has not yet graduated. There are still some parents who are also doing the same thing with the status of fishery students who are still in college. This proves that UMM fishery students have recognized competence in the world of work and industry,” said Ganjar.

The next development report, said Ganjar about the follow-up to another Professional Center of Excellence (CoE) class, is in the process of designing the concept for the seaweed CoE class. The selection of the seaweed professional class was the result of a discussion with UMM's fishery industry partners that seaweed is also a prospective future opportunity.

“That's why the need for human resources is also quite high. This is where the initiation of the formation of the seaweed CoE class program came from,” said Ganjar.
