Success Directly to Work: Success Stories of UMM Aquaculture Alumni through the COE Program

Thursday, October 12, 2023 03:07 WIB   Administrator

Alumnus Program Studi (Prodi) Akuakultur Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Nila Choirun Nailin, direkrut menjadi analis laboratorium di PT Summa Benur.

UMM AQUACULTURE - A graduate of the Aquaculture Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Nila Choirun Nailin, has been recruited as a laboratory analyst at PT Summa Benur after completing her studies. His success in entering the world of work after graduating was inseparable from his relationship with the Center of Excellence (COE) shrimp class program.

His ability to work immediately after graduating is driven by the harmony between the content of COE material which is in accordance with the demands of today's business and industrial world. While attending the COE program, he gained knowledge that could not be found in routine teaching.

For example, he learned about observing shrimp fry, early stages of growth, the harvest process, and also managing natural food such as Skeletonema sp through daily culture practices. All of this is in line with the needs of the world of shrimp farming, which is its focus.

Apart from that, in this program, Nila also gets a final assignment conversion from the professional class, so she doesn't need to go through the thesis writing process. This is clear evidence of UMM's approach which recognizes students' expertise and interests in determining their final assignments.

Every day at work, Nila is responsible for checking water quality in the laboratory. He explained that checking water quality in the context of shrimp fry cultivation involves three parameters: physics, chemistry and biology.

For physical parameters, this involves checking the temperature, salinity, and color of the cultivation water. Meanwhile chemical parameters involve checking pH, alkalinity and Total Organic Matter (TOM). The biological parameters involve observing plankton and bacteria.

Finally, Nila gave a message to other students to remain consistent in pursuing knowledge and never know the word lazy. He also emphasized the importance of continuing to improve capabilities and strengthening relationship networks.

According to him, joining the COE program is a strategic step to be able to immediately enter the world of work and become independent without having to wait a long time. He added that many companies are looking for employees with skills that have been learned in various COE programs at UMM.
