Using Bacteriophage. Research to Overcome Vaname Shrimp Disease, PKM RE Aquaculture UMM Optimistic to Win National Pimnas

Wednesday, November 08, 2023 21:31 WIB   Administrator

Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to the PKM-RE Aquaculture Department team for successfully qualifying for the 36th PIMNAS. Achieve valuable milestones in your academic journey. Keep working and give your best at Pimnas. We proud of you! Continue to innovate and fight for a better future. Excited for your journey to Pimnas!" 🎉📚🏆

Potential of Hepatopancreatic Bacteriophages and Mangrove Litter as Technological Innovations to Control Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease Cause of Total Death Litopenaeus vannamei

-Soni Andriawan S.Pi MP
-Lely Ayu Puspandari (202110650311001)
-Ike Trisdayanti (202010650311036)
-Thesa Lonicha Kitvirul A'ini (202010650311014)
-Salsabiilaa Roihanah (202010070311033) Pendidikan Biologi


One step towards achieving victory, that seems to be the right position for the PKM RE Team for the Aquaculture Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Because currently there are four PKM teams that have successfully advanced to the 36th National Student Science Week (Pimnas) at Padjadjaran University.

The PKM RE Team from the UMM Aquaculture Study Program during the In Vivo test in the lab.

One of the teams that passed, Mohammad Ilham Wahyudi (2020 Aquaculture study program student), from the PKM-RE (Exact Research) Team said that his team was carrying the title of Indiginous Bacteriophage Technology in Vaname Shrimp Guts and Mangrove Sediments to Prevent White Fecal Disease in Litopenaeus Vannamei.

Observation of clinical symptoms in vaname shrimp.

According to Ilham, the background to PKM is White Feces Disease (WFD) or what is usually called white feces disease, which is one of the diseases that attacks vaname shrimp.

The disease is caused by the bacteria Vibrio sp. which causes up to 40 percent death of vaname shrimp. To deal with this battery, the treatment that is often carried out is by using antibiotics and herbal ingredients, but this has not been successful.

Based on this, Ilham observed that there was no appropriate solution, so the PKM RE team from the UMM Aquaculture study program researched innovations for solutions to treat these bacteria using the latest method, namely using bacteriophages.

Apart from him, said Ilham, the research was carried out by the UMM Aquaculture PKM-RE team between Imroatin Hasana (2020 Aquaculture student), Ike Trisdayanti (2020 Aquaculture student), and Brilian Amanat Taqwa (2019 Aquaculture student). The PKM team received guidance from UMM Aquaculture Lecturer, Soni Andriawan, S.Pi, MP, M.Sc.

After receiving the news that he had passed Pimnas, Ilham and his team immediately deepened their research material as material for presentations, preparing final reports and making posters.

Bacteriophage isolation process.

This activity is so that during Pimnas which will be held on Saturday (25/11), the PKM RE UMM Aquaculture Study Program team is ready to compete to answer questions from the jury and target to win.

“The target we want to achieve is to win a gold medal, Bismillah. We hope that the presentation will run smoothly and achieve what we have targeted. Amen," said Ilham.

For your information, New Student Admissions for the UMM Aquaculture Study Program, achievement pathway, 1 November 2023-24 June 2024. Regular Path: 1 November 2023 – 3-August 2024


Riset Atasi Penyakit Udang Vaname, PKM RE Akuakultur UMM Optimis Juara Pimnas - Tabloid Mata Hati
