Empowering Fish Cultivation Prison Residents, PKM PM UMM Aquaculture Study Program Passes Pimnas

Wednesday, November 08, 2023 19:40 WIB   Administrator

Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to the PKM-PM Aquaculture Department team for successfully qualifying for the 36th PIMNAS. Achieve valuable milestones in your academic journey. Keep working and give your best at Pimnas. We proud of you! 🌟📖🏆

-Dr. Hany Handajani S.Pi M.Si
Team Leader:
-Putri Ramadhani (202010650311029)
-Phobie Yolasica Irawan (202010650311034)
-Fathimatuz Zahroh (202010650311035)
-Moh. Ilham Wahyudi (202010650311027)
-Maulana Zaky Ghivari (202110650311034)

Again, the Aquaculture Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) shared news of its latest achievements. There were four student teams that qualified to compete in the competitive event of the 36th National Student Science Week (Pimnas). This prestigious event will be held at Padjadjaran University on Saturday (25/11).

Get to know one of the PKM Aquaculture teams that passed Pimnas, namely PKM-PM (Community Service). The team in question was chaired by Putri Ramadhani, an Aquaculture student class of 2020, carrying the title "Increasing the Skills of Inmates at Lowokwaru Malang Penitentiary through Fish Cultivation Activities" with Recirculating Aquaculture System Technology and Natural Food Cultivation.

The PKM PM Team for the UMM Aquaculture Department when carrying out activities in prisons regarding fish cultivation using Recirculating Aquaculture System Technology and Natural Food Cultivation.

According to Putri, it was reported that her team had passed Pimnas 36 through an announcement on the Puspresnas Instagram account on Tuesday (7/11). Suddenly, this news made Putri and her team happy and determined to win the National Pimnas later in PKM-PM. “The target is to become a winner and get a gold medal. "God willing, Bismillah," said Putri.

The PKM PM Aquaculture Study Program team gives directions to prison residents on how to feed fish in round ponds.

It should be noted that the PKM-PM which was implemented was motivated by partners' problems, namely the difficulty of finding employment opportunities for prisoners when they leave prison.

Soft skills and hard skills are required while filling your free time. The partner is the Malang Class 1 Prison on Jalan Asahan Bunulrejo, Blimbing District, Malang City, East Java. Participants from PKM-PM consisted of ten prisoners (24-49 years) and five prison officers (28-31 years).

The enthusiasm of prison inmates carrying out fish cultivation with a team of UMM Aquaculture Study Program students.

The solution that has been agreed with partners is the use of empty ponds and increasing the soft skills and hard skills of fish cultivation and recirculating aquaculture system technology and cultivating natural food as well as meeting the nutritional needs of animal protein for prison residents.

Mentoring recirculating aquaculture system technology.

Currently, while waiting for the competition date at Pimnas, Putri and the team are carrying out internal monitoring and evaluation exercises every day. Some of the activities carried out include presentations, checking to upload final reports, scientific articles and posters. UMM aquaculture students observing locations for PKM.

"The hope is that the Pimnas presentation at Padjadjaran University will be smooth and can achieve what we want and bring a gold medal for UMM," said the Head of the UMM PKM-PM Aquaculture Team.

For your information, apart from himself, the PKM-PM Team consists of five students, namely Phobie Yolasica Irawan, Aquaculture student class of 2020, Fathimatuz Zahroh, Aquaculture student 20, Mohamad Ilham Wahyudi, Aquaculture student 2020, and Maulana Zaky Ghivari, Aquaculture student, class 2021. This team received assistance from Dr. Hany Handajani, S.Pi, M.Sc.

Berdayakan Warga Lapas Budidaya Ikan, PKM PM Prodi Akuakultur UMM Lolos Pimnas 5

Currently Admission of New Students to the UMM Aquaculture Study Program has been opened. On the achievement track 1 November 2023-24 June 2024. Regular Track: 1 November 2023 – 3 August 2024.


Berdayakan Warga Lapas Budidaya Ikan, PKM PM Prodi Akuakultur UMM Lolos Pimnas - Tabloid Mata Hati
