
The courses taught in the Aquaculture Department in each semester can be classified into several groups, namely General Knowledge, General Skills, Technical, Technical Skills, Soft Skills.


Curriculum Overview (2022-2026)

Curriculum overview of Aquaculture Department based on Outcome Based Education (OBE), that is a learning method that focuses on learning outcomes or achievements. This method focuses on achieving specified outcomes (knowledge, abilities and results-oriented behavior). In principle, OBE is able to ensure constructive harmony between graduate profiles, Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), course learning outcomes, learning methods, and assessment methods. In the odd semester of 2022, the Aquaculture Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang is implementing Outcome Based Education as a curriculum.

Semester Subjects ECTS Modul Handbook
1   Bahasa Indonesia. 3
1   Pancasila. 3
1   Aqidah and Workship. 1.5
1   Foreign Languange for Spesific Purpose 1. 3
1   Introduction of Fisheries. 3
1   Mathematics. 3
1   Fisheries Biology  4.5
1   Physics. 3
1   Innovative Agrocomplex. 3
1   Chemistry. 3
Semester Subjects ECTS Modul Handbook
2   Computer Application. 3
2   Ibadah and Mu'amalah. 1.5
2   Civics. 3
2   Foreign Language for Spesific Purpose 2. 3
2   Aquatic Invertebrates. 4.5
2   Biochemistry. 4.5
2   Ichtyology. 4.5
2   Swimming Practice. 1.5
2   Basic of Aquaculture. 3
2   Entrepreneurship. 3

Semester Subjects ECTS  Modul Handbook
3   Kemuhammadiyahan. 1.5  
3   Aquatic Ecology. 4.5  
3   Aquatic Animal Physiology. 4.5  
3   Basic of Capture Fisheries. 3  
3   Aquatic Microbiology. 4.5  
3   Planktonology. 4.5  
3   Fisheries Agribusiness. 3  
3   Design Thingking & Innovation. 3  
3   Statistics. 4.5  
Semester Subjects ECTS Modul Handbook
4   Islam & Science. 1.5  
4   Introduction to Oceanography. 4.5  
4   Natural Feed Cultivation. 4.5  
4   Experimental Design. 4.5  
4   Occupational Health and Safety 3  
4   Manag. & Tech. of Ornamental Fish & Aquascape 4.5  
4   Nutritional & Feeding Manag. Fish/Shrimp 3  
4   Marine Biology. 3  
4   Research Methodology. 4.5  
Semester Subjects ECTS Modul Handbook
5   Geographic Infor. System for Aquaculture. 4.5  
5   Fishery Biotechnology. 4.5  
5   Manag. of Coastal & Ocean Resources. 4.5  
5   Environmental Impact Analysis. 3  
5   Commu. & Public Service for Fishery. 3  
5   Processing Tech. of Fishery Products. 4.5  
5   Human Resource Management  3  
5   Fish Genetic. 4.5  
Semester Subjects ECTS Modul Handbook
6   Water Quality Management. 4.5  
6   Fish Feeding Management. 4.5  
6   Aquaculture Engineering. 4.5  
6   Fish Breeding & Reproduction. 6  
6   Aquaculture Technology Management. 4.5  
6   Paracites & Diseases of Aquatic Animals. 4.5  
6   Bacteriology & Virology in Shrimp & Fish. 3  
6   Shrimp Cultivation Water Quality Manag. 4.5  
6   Shrimp Aquaculture Engineering 4.5  
6   Shrimp Nutrition & Feed Management 4.5  
6   Shrimp Hatchery Manag. & Technology 4.5  
6   Shrimp Rearing Manag. & Technology 4.5  
6   Shrimp Health Management 4.5  
6   Koi Pond Management. 4.5  
6   Water Quality Manag. & Koi Cultivation Filtration Systems. 4.5  
6   Koi Nutrition & Feed Management. 4.5  
6   Koi Health Management. 4.5  
6   Koi Hatchery Manag. & Technology. 4.5  
6   Koi Rearing Manag. & Technology. 4.5  
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
7   Community Service Program. 3  
7   Business Incubation. 5  
7   Business Planning & Analysis. 4  
7   Digital Marketing. 5  
7   Internship. 5  
7   Internship Biosecurity Applications Industry 5  
7   Internship in Land Preparation Industry & Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Media 5  
7   Internship Hatchery Industry & Quality of Fry 5  
7   Industrial Internship in Vaname Shrimp Rearing Techniques 5  
7   Feed Manag. Tech. Industry Internship 5  
7   Industrial Internship in Fry Distribution & Harvesting Techniques 5  
7   Disease Prevention & Treatment Industry Internship 5  
7   Koi Breeding Industry Internship 5  
7   Filtration Technology Industry Internship 5  
7   Koi Rearing Industry Internship 5  
7   Koi Health & Diseases Manag. Industry Internship 5  
7   Feeding Manag. Industry Internship 5  
7   Koi Quarantine Engineering Industry Internship 5  
7   Koi Marketing Strategy 5  
Semester Subjects ECTS Modul Handbook
8   Seminar 1.5  
8   Thesis 7.5  

Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) (2017-2022)

The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding objectives, content and learning materials as well as the methods used as guidelines for implementing learning activities to achieve the goals of Higher Education (Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards). The Higher Education Curriculum is developed by each Higher Education Institution with reference to the National Higher Education Standards for each Study Program which includes the development of intellectual intelligence, noble morals and skills (Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education: Article 35 paragraph 2). From 2017 to 2022, the curriculum implemented in the Aquaculture Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang is the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT).

Picture. Legal, National Policy and Institutional Basis for Higher Education Curriculum Development

Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
1   Bahasa Indonesia 2
1   Pancasila 2
1   Foreign Language for Spesific Purpose 1 2
1   Al Islam & Kemuhammadiyahan I 1
1   Fisheries Biology 3
1   Mathematics 2
1   Introduction of Fisheries 3
1   Basic of Aquaculture 3
1   Physics 2
1   Chemistry 2
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
2   Aquatic Invertebrates 3
2   Swimming Practice 1
2   Foreign Language for Spesific Purpose 2 2
2   Al Islam & Kemuhammadiyahan II 1
2   Biochemistry 3
2   Ichtyology 3
2   Statistics 3
2   Computer Application 3
2   Civics 2
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
3   Fish Genetic 3  
3   Fishery Business Planning & Analysis 3  
3   Aquatic Ecology 3  
3   Aquatic Animal Physiology 3  
3   Al Islam & Kemuhammadiyahan III 1  
3   Aquatic Microbiology 3  
3   Introduction to Oceanography 3  
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
4   Basic of Capture Fisheries 3  
4   Al Islam & Kemuhammadiyahan IV 1  
4   Research Methodology 3  
4   Marine Biology 3  
4   Natural Feed Cultivation 3  
4   Experimental Design 3  
4   Processing Technology of Fishery Products 3  
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
5   Manag. & Tech. of Ornamental Fish & Aquascape 3  
5   Environmental Impact Analysis 2  
5   Occupational Health and Safety 2  
5   Geographic Infor. System for Aquaculture 3  
5   Fishery Biotechnology 3  
5   Commu. & Public Service for Fishery 2  
5   Manag. of Coastal & Ocean Resources 3  
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
6   Aquaculture Technology Management 4  
6   Fish Breeding & Reproduction 4  
6   Water Quality Manag. of Shrimp Farming* 3  
6   Aquaculture Engineering 3  
6   Paracites & Diseases of Aquatic Animals 3  
6   Nutritional & Feeding Management 4  
6   Water Quality Management 3  
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
7   Aquapreneurship Planning 3  
7   Aquapreneurship Practice 5  
7   Community Service Program 4  
7   Intership 5  
Semester Subjects Credits Modul Handbook
8   Seminar 1  
8   Thesis 5  



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