CoE of Aquaculture Department Helps a number of Companies

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 20:48 WIB   Administrator

In order to improve the quality of the Center of Excellence (CoE) Koi and Shrimp program, the Aquaculture Study Program at Muhammdiyah University of Malang (UMM) held discussions with partners from the Business and Industrial World (DUDI). Held on February 8, this discussion also discussed strategies to advance each aspect.

One of the representatives from DUDI, Ir. Hery Sudarmono as CEO of PT. Garin Agro Prosperous (GAS). He expressed his gratitude for being able to cooperate with UMM, especially the UMM FPP which provided the latest ideas. This in fact has a positive effect on the company, especially in terms of human resources.

"So far the real activity that we have done is to provide practical facilities for students who are interested in the shrimp professional class. That way they can also get skills that suit industry needs. "Moreover, the duration is quite long, four to five months," he said.

Hery added that the shrimp professional class gave students more understanding starting from the process of seeding, cultivating to harvesting. Students also have the opportunity to get a decent job in the future because they already have qualified skills.

"I have collaborated with UMM for two periods and will enter the third period. In total there have been dozens of UMM students who have interned at my company. "In the future, I want students not only from my company in Java, but I will send them to Sumatra or Sulawesi," he explained.

For him, the UMM CoE was a brilliant idea initiated by UMM and must be sustainable. Moreover, he hopes that later there will be more forms of cooperation, because shrimp development technology can still develop and entrepreneurs need input from campuses.

On the same occasion, Deky Arisandy, the owner of CV Indo Koi Malang, said that the UMM CoE, especially the Koi Professional Class, was an alternative for students to learn outside of regular lecture classes. Especially for those who are interested in becoming koi fish entrepreneurs.

"I feel happy with this collaboration because many students after their internship can immediately work on their thesis. He has even started a koi fish business. They can also help us to develop this cultivation. Hopefully there will be many students who study at my place regarding koi fish farming," he explained.

Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. as the Chancellor of UMM said that FPP was the foremost faculty in translating the UMM CoE. Not only on a regular basis, but also on training. Moreover, the Professional Class by the Aquaculture Study Program has been recognized by Sukardi Rinakit as the special staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"This is indeed a good innovation, but don't stop providing useful new things. Let's make positive changes for the progress of the nation," he concluded. (*)
