Again, Student association of fishery department in view days ago realized one of work program; it is socialization in writing PKM (Student Creativity Program). Work program in scientific field was held to help all fishery student especially new students period 2013/2014 and maybe most of them do not understand about PKM. PKM is the program of writing papers that is held by DIKTI for student especially for bachelor to train the writing skill and develop creativity in a copyright work.
This agenda was attended by 40 students from various classes. The socialization of writing PKM was presented by 3 speakers; those are Hany Handayani, S.Pi. M.Si as main speaker, she have been involved in guiding scientific work especially PKM. In addition, she also as the Head of Fishery Laboratory UMM and Fishery Lecturer in Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture UMM. Other speaker is Jefri Lazaroni, S.Pi that who was graduated as Fishery graduate with the higher GPA number 2 around Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry UMM. The third speaker is Rindya Fery Indrawan who gave motivation to all students to create an innovation work that able to pass prestigious event in Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS), an event that he was attended.
In socialization PKM writing that run about 3 hours was explained by speaker in detail, begun from the kind of PKM to how great opportunity to pass that PKM that will be made based on the kind. “If in 2011-2012 the type of PKM that was accepted are PKMP and PKMK, especially in the field of food, so in 2013-2014 more likely to PKMT that oriented to technology,” said Hany Handayani.
Furthermore, until next March 30 Dikti will receive a proposal from PKM-AI and PKM-GT that still has a great opportunity to qualify. PKM that is accepted will be funded by Dikti. The amount of funds provided 12 million per proposal. Then, team of Monev will monitor by presentation activity and if the presentation is passed so the participant that consists of 3 to 4 person from various generations be able to enter to PIMNAS. Surely following this event such as a pride for student who became the participant, especially it is successful as a winner of PIMNAS.(Khusnul Khotimah)*
· *The writer is student of fishery department UMM 2012