Congratulations Alumni of the Aquaculture Study Program Take All of Predicate of the Best Graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science UMM

Friday, June 02, 2023 23:04 WIB   Administrator

In the Judiciary Period 2 & 3 of 2023 (22 May 2023), a number of Aquaculture Study Program alumni won the title of best graduate in the Faculty. With his dedication and hard work while studying at the UMM Aquaculture Study Program, his name has succeeded in being in the spotlight and inspiring many people.

In this period the Alumni of the Aquaculture Study Program managed to win the title of the best graduate of the Faculty, namely:

Best 1 Period 2: Muhammad Agill Thevany GPA 3.97 (2019)
Best 2 Period 2: Annisa Salsabila GPA 3.96 (2019)
Best 3 Period 2: Nila Choirun Nailin GPA 3.96 (2019)
Best 2 Period 3: Helmalia Putri Damayanti GPA 3.83 (2019)

Congratulations and Prayers for Career Success

from left Dr. Hany Handajani (Head of Study Program), Helmalia Putri Damayanti, Nila Choirun Nailin, Muhammad Agill Thevany, Annisa Salsabila, & Anis Zubaidah M.Sc (Secretary of Study Program).

This success is also inseparable from the hard work of educators, educational staff and DUDI/industrial partners (Shrimp Professional Class) who provide invaluable knowledge. Hopefully the work of the alumni will become a practical practice for educators of study programs and DUDI.

Sincere congratulations and thanks flow to the alumni of the Fisheries Study Program who won the title of the best graduate of the Faculty. Hopefully, this success will be a glorious start in his career in the field of fisheries. Hopefully the alumni will continue to excel, achieve higher success, and become inspirational examples for the younger generation.

Prayers are also included for the alumni, may they be given strength and blessings in facing the challenges that exist in the professional world. Hopefully his steps will be full of success, and his goals to advance the fisheries sector can be achieved successfully. We hope that you can create a big positive impact on society and the world of fisheries.

With this glorious achievement, it is hoped that alumni of the UMM Aquaculture Study Program can become a motivation for other students to continue to be enthusiastic and strive hard in pursuing academic and career achievements in the future.

Sea Greetings, Greetings Jaya Always

